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Herbal Glow

Meni Pedi 7 Steps

Meni Pedi 7 Steps

Regular price Rs.4,000.00
Regular price Rs.4,399.00 Sale price Rs.4,000.00
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Meni Pedi

A mani-pedi kit typically includes various tools and products necessary for grooming and beautifying the nails and hands and feet. These kits may contain items such as nail clippers, nail files, cuticle pushers, cuticle trimmers, nail buffers, nail polish, base and top coats, hand and foot creams, and other nail care essentials.


  1. Start by soaking your hands and feet in warm, soapy water to soften the nails and cuticles.
  2. Trim and shape the nails using the nail clippers and nail files included in the kit. File the nails into your desired shape, whether it's square, oval, or round.
  3. Gently push back the cuticles using the cuticle pusher, being careful not to cause any discomfort or damage to the nail bed.
  4. Use the cuticle trimmers to carefully remove any excess or overgrown cuticles, but avoid cutting them too close to the nail bed to prevent injury.
  5. Buff the surface of the nails using the nail buffer to smooth out any ridges or imperfections and create a polished look.
  6. Apply a base coat to the nails to protect them and provide a smooth surface for the nail polish.
  7. Choose your desired nail polish color from the kit and apply it evenly to the nails, starting from the base and working towards the tip. Allow the polish to dry completely between coats.
  8. Finish with a top coat to seal in the color and add shine and longevity to your manicure or pedicure.
  9. Once the nail polish is dry, moisturize your hands and feet with the hand and foot creams included in the kit to hydrate and soften the skin.


  1. Convenience: Mani-pedi kits provide all the necessary tools and products for at-home nail care, saving you time and money compared to salon visits.
  2. Customization: With a mani-pedi kit, you can tailor your nail care routine to suit your preferences, from nail shape and length to polish color and finish.
  3. Hydration: The hand and foot creams included in the kit help to moisturize and nourish the skin, keeping your hands and feet soft and smooth.
  4. Grooming: Regular manicures and pedicures using a mani-pedi kit help to keep the nails trimmed, shaped, and healthy, reducing the risk of breakage and damage.
  5. Relaxation: Performing a manicure or pedicure at home can be a relaxing and therapeutic self-care activity, allowing you to pamper yourself and unwind.

How to Use:

  • Follow the instructions provided with each tool and product in the mani-pedi kit for best results.
  • Take your time and work carefully to avoid injury or damage to the nails and surrounding skin.
  • Clean and sanitize the tools after each use to prevent the spread of bacteria and maintain hygiene.
  • Incorporate regular manicures and pedicures into your beauty routine to keep your nails looking healthy and beautiful.

By using a mani-pedi kit at home, you can achieve professional-quality results and enjoy the benefits of well-groomed nails and soft, hydrated hands and feet without having to visit a salon.

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